10 thoughts on “C38 – Al-Saloom

  1. Is there a way to determine which genes are involved in the DNA damage response without running an experiment, why or why not?


    1. Based on gene expression patterns, we can make predictions based on which genes are involved in the DNA damage response; however, there are so many processes occurring in addition to DNA damage. It would not be 100% clear whether genes are unregulated due to DNA damage or other processes such as conjugation, so they would need to be tested.


  2. How do you know that the dychrom DNA was present in your second figure if the dychrom was not visualized in both columns?


    1. The Dychrom gene was not visualized in either column, but since my positive controls were successful, this indicates that Dychrom is just not upregulated in the presence of DNA damage. This led me to the conclusion that there was no significant difference in gene expression in the presence of DNA damage and not involved in the DDR.


  3. Why do you think your results were different than your expected results? In relation to that, did you run into any challenges while performing this experiment that may have caused this difference in actual versus expected results?


    1. My results were most likely different than my expected results because Dychrom is likely not involved in the DNA damage response. But given its gene expression pattern, it could be involved in the conjugation process. I do not think any issues with my experiments would have caused the difference in actual vs. expected results because of the fact that my positive and negative controls were successful which validated my experiment.


  4. Do you have any hypotheses on what Dychroms function may be given that it appears to have little to no involvement in DNA damage repair?


    1. I would predict that Dychrom plays some role in regulating conjugation in Tetrahymena or possibly facilitating the damage that occurs rather than actually being a part of the DNA damage response.


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