8 thoughts on “C69 – Vogl

  1. Hey Sam! I don’t know a ton about the specific mechanisms within a gene repair organism. But, I was wondering, how did you learn about/choose Tetco61 to be the gene you studied?


    1. We chose Tetco61 because it was known to increase in expression levels during the conjugation stage which leads us to believe further testing is required to determine whether it is involved in the DNA damage repair pathway! Hope this helps


  2. Is there a way to quantitatively say that there was an increase in expressivity? Rather than just saying the band was thicker/ brighter?


    1. Yes! So after looking at bands we ran what is known as Q-pcr which is able to show us threshold levels of DNA present before and after DNA damage in a quantitative manner, we then saw that the threshold value on our graph was lower when DNA damage was induced(meaning more DNA) rathter than our untreated sample that shows less expression on the graph (higher threshold value)


  3. Would one of your future directions be sequencing the Tetco61 gene, or has it already been sequenced. Could you look at similar genes to further your understanding of the role Tetco61 plays?


    1. to further understand our research we would want to study genes which are similar (only a single exon) so that we can further test similar genes to see their role in the DNA damage repair pathway.


    2. we would like to test genes similar to that of tetco61 (one exon) in order to determine if this gene is actually suitable to be said being involved in the DNA damage repair pathway.


  4. I really like clear presentation format. Although there is a general standard template for students to base their posters on, oftentimes, it seems like students have a problem with organizing their content on the limited space available. Here it is very easy to follow the experimental process and your presentation paired very well with the poster.

    Did you guys run into any notable problems in the process of running your experiment?

    Overall, great work!


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