7 thoughts on “P37 – Baumann

    1. As I mentioned, we need to do PCR as a step towards confirming the cluster identity. My lab partner used the restriction digest to generate a different cluster hypothesis and believed that NastyNellie was a B cluster phage because she used Phage Enzymes Tools in a slightly different way. So we then performed PCR using B4 cluster primers, but since NastyNellie is not in that cluster it yielded no results.


    1. Our phage was temperate, which means that it does undergo both the lytic and lysogenic lifecycles. We can see that it is temperate from the plaque morphology with the lytic zone surrounded by the turbid outer ring. The outer ring results from phage DNA integrating into the host genome (lysogenic lifecycle) and creating a plasmid, which is then unable to be infected by other phage DNA.


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